Microbes and Microbiota: Benefits and Risks

Commitment to Microbial Benefit/Risk Analysis

MICROBIAL BENEFIT/RISK ANALYSIS for raw and pasteurized milks!

Coleman Scientific Consulting, Dr. Warner North (Past-President of Society for Risk Analysis or SRA), and emeritus Professor Rod Dietert are devoting time and energy to preparing the first benefit/risk analysis for raw and pasteurized milks (breast milk and milk from cows), with partial support from the Whole Truth, Whole Milk campaign organized through Upstate NY SRA.

We are excited to be building on the only benefit/risk analysis that we’ve identified to date on raw milk (Benefit and Risk Assessment of Breastmilk for Infant Health in Norway) for the manuscript on benefit/risk of the microbiota of milks in preparation for submission into the peer-reviewed literature.

Thanks to all who contributed to the crowdfunding campaign Whole Truth, Whole Milk. Your generosity and commitment to documenting scientific evidence for benefits and risks for raw milks is tremendous. Donations will support the critical work of incorporating knowledge of the dense and diverse microbiota of raw milks (breast milk and cow milk) into benefit/risk analysis.

In total, more than $20,000 was raised, including advance donors, risk practitioners, SRA Fellows, organizations listed below, and online donors.

Donations can still be made to the campaign through SRA.

For readers near Hudson NY on Saturday June 29th (2019), Churchtown Dairy hosted a very informative event, Principles of Traditional Diets: A Day-Long Workshop with Sally Fallon Morell. I really valued this workshop as continuing education about science and politics and how they sometimes interfere.

Churchtown Dairy was the first in NY State to earn RAWMI listing.


The lending library at Churchtown Dairy now boasts a signed copy of Rod Dietert’s book, The Human Superorganism ! We human superorganisms have much to learn in restorative communities like Churchtown Dairy!

For more on the microbiota of milks, check out these recent manuscripts.